Enhance the depth and breadth of your research efforts

Welcome to Equinox Research, your trusted partner in outsourced investment research for hedge funds. We offer a comprehensive range of research solutions tailored to meet your unique needs.

Limited bandwidth makes research ROI extremely critical

Research is the cornerstone of success for hedge funds. In this highly competitive and dynamic industry, the ability to identify opportunities, manage risks, and optimize returns depends on the depth and breadth of research. This is where Equinox Research steps in as your strategic research partner.

How We Can Help

By outsourcing certain research functions to our specialized team, you can enhance the efficiency of your research efforts.

The Diverse Range of Research Services We Offer

Equinox Research offers a complete range of research and analytics services. Here is a brief idea about the type of services we typically offer:

Equity Research:

Fundamental research and valuation, sector and market research, and quantitative research.

Financial Modeling:

Develop and maintain intricate financial models for accurate projections.

Risk Assessment:

Quantify and manage market and credit risk.

Event-Driven Research:

Stay ahead of market movements with M&A and earnings event analysis.

Sentiment Analysis:

Harness the power of sentiment analysis using keyword and word cloud analytics.

Short Selling Research:

Identify viable short candidates and assess short squeeze risks.

Hedging Strategies:

Assist in monitoring portfolio against risk and suggesting effective hedging strategies.

ESG Research:

Incorporate environmental, social, and governance factors into your investment strategy.

Customized Reporting:

Receive tailor-made reports, dashboards, and presentations.

Data Analytics:

Leverage data analytics to generate actionable insights from big data.

Legal and Regulatory Reporting:

Assist in drafting and submitting detailed regulatory filings.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to discuss how Equinox Research can customize research solutions tailored to your unique needs: