ESG research solutions to meet all your needs

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) focused funds are gaining significant traction globally. Today, funds that use sustainability as a key factor in selecting investment opportunities comprise about 25-30% of AUM in North America and Europe. Such funds are also growing multifold in Asia and rest of the world. Given the considerable growth in demand for specialized research in this exciting and growing area, one of the key focus for us is providing bespoke, ESG integrated research to decision makers and corporates investing in this area.

The need is burgeoning given that ESG is growing multifold and in developed markets each 1 in 3 dollars is driven by ESG performance of the investee companies. Equinox Research offers the following solutions in this space

Essential products – from Newsletters to Screening

Data gathering:

Need support in skimming through corporate disclosures to collect data reported in a standardized, proprietary format, reach out to us.


Geographic or sector newsletters to track performance of portfolio companies.

Company/ sector profiles:

Customized sector and company profiles in both long and short formats.

Ratings comparison:

Since the ratings provided by different agencies vary and have little correlations, we can help assimilate and analyze the gaps and similarities.

Shadow ratings:

Shadow ratings based on proprietary or DJSI’s framework.

ESG monitoring:

Tracking key developments for a company, sector or portfolio.

Investment screening:

Creating and monitoring screened investments’ performance based on jointly developed framework.

Also offer more advanced ESG research products

ESG analytics:

Run analytics on an array of data sources to determine performance of companies on pre-defined ESG parameters.

ESG integrated research:

ESG integrated approach to investing using a range of adjustments, such as factor investing, WACC adjustment and embedding performance in financials.

Portfolio assessment:

For asset managers, especially Private Equity, to monitor portfolio performance on ESG parameters.

Controversy monitoring:

Comparing ESG and financial performance to unearth potentially scandalous companies.

ESG ratings support:

Support in developing ESG ratings models in accordance with client guidelines and mandate.

ESG indices:

Support in developing and maintaining customized indices on a geography, sector or portfolio.

Country assessment:

Analyzing a country’s performance on ESG parameters.